Tanzania emblem
Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Ofisi ya Rais Mipango na Uwekezaji

Kitengo cha Huduma za Sheria

Kitengo hiki kinaongozwa na Bw. Prudens Rusticus Rweyongeza

Mkurugenzi wa Kitengo cha Huduma za Sheria (DLS)

Barua pepe: prudens.rweyongeza@planninginvestment.go.tz


To provide legal expertise and services to the Office.

This Unit is performing the following activities:-  

  •  Provide legal advice and assistance to Office’s Divisions, Units and entities under the Office; 
  • Provide technical support in preparation of legislative instruments including enactments of Parliament and subsidiary legislations and forward the same to the Office of the Attorney General;
  • Participate to various negotiations and meetings that call for legal expertise;
  • Translate legislations within the Office;
  • Liaise with the Office of the Attorney General on litigation of civil cases and other claims involving the Office; and
  • Prepare and review various legal instruments such as orders, notices, certificates, agreements and transfer deeds.
  • To participate in negotiations on International Investments Agreements (IIAs), including Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs);
  • To vet Contracts between the Office and various services providers, suppliers and contractors;
  • To facilitate information on legal matters that need to be addressed by the Office to the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania; and
  • To make rregular reviews on Acts and Regulations enacted by the Parliament.


This Unit is led by a director.